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About Club

Hereditarnia CLUB

Hereditarnia Club was founded in March 1996 by M.Borowiecki, I. Broere and P. Mihók in order to popularize a new area of modern graph theory - hereditary properties of graphs.The word Hereditarnia cannot be found in any dictionary. It is a combination of English word "Heredity" and traditional polish suffix "arnia " that is used for many pleasant places (e.g. Palmiarnia) that are related to the development of the theory of hereditary properties of graphs. Since 1998 Hereditarnia Club is organising a tra ditional workshop called Hereditarnia. The scientist that satisfy defined conditions can become members of Hereditarnia Club and take activ e part in regular General Assembly Meeting.


The story of the three sisters

There was once a man in South Africa that met the founders of Hereditarnia Club (by chance dressed in almost isomorphic shirts with African pattern) and asked them whether they are three sisters. Since this time Mietek Borowiecki, Izak Broere and Peter Mihók are often called three sisters


22. August 2020

We regret to announce that our friend Izak Broere, one of the founding members of Hereditarnia Club, passed away at the age of 73.

21. June 2019

Roman Soták was elected to the next presidency of the Hereditarnia Club. 

1. January 2019

Iztok Peterin took the president office of the Hereditarnia Club. 

17. May 2012

The memorial seminar Hereditarnia of Peter Mihók was held on May 17th 2012.

27. March 2012

We regret to announce that our friend Peter Mihók, one of the founding members of Hereditarnia Club, passed away at the age of 62 after a long illness.